Build 2020 - Day 2 Overview

Day 2 of BUILD brought a lot of very cool sessions and more updates. Below are some notes from some of the sessions that I was able to attend do that I wanted to make sure get the attention they deserve

Building scalable and secure applications with Azure Cosmos DB

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of all things Cosmos DB so it should be no surprise that I’m beyond excited to try out and share with you guys

Some of the highlights (and hopefully will have blog posts for each of them soon):

  • GitHub integration for notebooks
  • C# notebooks
  • AutoScale - enabled on existing collections, scales within seconds
  • Serverless pricing model (coming soon)
  • Private Link endpoints
  • Encryption at rest with customer managed keys

C# 9

  • Init-only properties
  • Record types
  • With-expressions
  • Top-level programs
  • Improved pattern matching
  • Improved target typing
  • Parameter null checking!!!!! (!)

Infrastructure as code - build Azure applications with ARM templates

  • what-if deployments (public preview),
  • ARM ttk - toolkit for static analysis of arm templates
  • Auto Generate parameters file
  • ARM Visual Studio Code Extension
  • Resource Lifecyle management - a way to group your resources outside of the resource group concepts today (future developments)
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