Azure AD App Registration Branding Logo - Programatic upload

When you register a new application in Azure AD, especially those that will be used to login users or gather additional permissions, the branding section, specifically the Logo of the App is often overlooked.

But what is the logo, where does it even show up?

First, and most importantly, it is displayed when the users need to consent to using your application when they first log-in:

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4+ ways to get data into CosmosDB

There are many ways to insert data in Cosmos DB and many use cases when you want to do that. In this article we’ll dive in the use case of bulk-updating a Cosmos DB collection based on a feed of data or some kind of recurrent data ingestion process into Cosmos DB. The
Sync jobs, daily jobs that need to populate data into a Cosmos DB collection…

I’ll evaluate the solutions based on a few factors: cost, speed, development time, complexity of solution.

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.NET 5 performance improvements

What an amazing update about performance improvements in the upcoming .NET 5 by Stephen Toub!

A 1h+ read with so many amazing tidbits of information. Thank you Stephen for posting.

If you can, the article it’s definitely worth the time reading, but if not, here’s the TL;DR; version where I will extract some of the performance improvement for the things you probably are using today in your application and that will get these performance boosts with nothing else than updating your application to the new runtime.

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How unit tests and CI saved me from a world of pain

I recently had to fix a bug in an older codebase that did not follow the best practices when handling date times. In short, every Date Time in the application was expecting / using an EST date time since the project was traditionally deployed on-prem.

With the move to Azure, dates no longer defaulted to EST and since it wasn’t feasible to convert the entire codebase to properly use UTC, I had to update my code to use EST.

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Protect your APIs behind API Management

I think API Management needs no introduction these days and it’s a no brainer to use it when developing APIs that back up any kind of customer facing apps thanks to its slew of features such as protection via subscriptions, monitoring, caching, or even some of the less obvious ones such as offering you the ability to seamlessly swap out your undelaying API without customer impact.

However in this article I want to talk about another feature that I just learned about and used successfully for the first time, the managed identity integration.

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Auto-Tagging Azure resources with tags from parent Resource Group

I’ve always enjoyed analyzing Azure Cost usage and patterns and have successfully helped 2 clients so far get a deeper understanding of their azure cost by exposing the data in a nice PowerBI dashboard.

As everyone who’s played with this before know, the key to good cost control and insights is good tagging.

So once I had the tagging strategy established we went ahead and tagged all the Resource Groups in the subscription(s). Once that was done it was time to push those tags down to the resources.

To do that, I decided the quickest (?) way to get there was to write a nice little power shell script to apply tags set at a Resource Group level, to its child resources.

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Using a Data Factory to load data into CosmosDB without code

If you’re looking at a quick, serverless and no-code solution to load data into your Cosmos DB database, you should look no further than Data Factory. With it’s multitude of connectors for sourcing data and its built in sink connector for CosmosDB, you can quickly create a data pipeline to ingest, refresh or keep your Cosmos Database in sync.

Read the rest of the article for a quick step-by-step guide on setting this up. One caveat, this only works for a SQL CosmosDB account for now.

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