Imagine a database system...

Imagine a database system…
… where you don’t need to define a schema ahead of time. Which means you don’t need to worry about schema migrations or syncing your data models.

Imagine a database system…
… that is globally available by design and you can enable it in a matter of minutes with a few clicks.

Imagine a database system…
… that is elastically scalable by design and in near real-time. You pay for what you need, when you need it without spinning VMs up and down.

Imagine a database system…
… that is fully managed, on the best cloud out there, so you don’t ever need to worry about infrastructure and everything that comes with managing that infrastructure

Imagine a database system…
… that supports multiple data models (relational, table, graph, document) so you don’t ever have to compromise on one type, or have to use multiple databases for your needs.

Imagine a database system…
… that supports multiple APIs for manipulating your data. You can choose from a number of Apis like the familiar SQL, DocumentDB or MongoDB, Gremlin, Table API or even Cassandra.

Imagine a database system…
… that has 5 consistency levels that are easy to understand and define. Break away from just Eventual or Strong consistency of the other distributed database offerings out there.

Imagine a database system…
… that has single digit millisecond latency performance and availability guarantees backed by an SLA at the 99 percentile

If you got excited imagining… imagine no more, CosmosDB is here and it’s everything you’ve ever wanted from a database! Check it out today!

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